Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tagged by Hana lagi...

"The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 6 people.”

1. I am 2. I really want to go to

3. My favorite place is

4. My favorite thing is

5. My favorite drink is

6. My favorite food is

7. My favorite color is

8. I live in

9. I was born in

10. My college was

11. My favorite stories
12. My hobby is

13. I wish for this

aku tak tau la betul ke idak aku buat ni.. mcm betul kot.. hehehe...

aku maleh nak tag sape... ngantok dah nak tido ni.. hehehhe


Farah said...

ko kater malas nk tag sesape.. apsal aku kene lak? hehee.. mama diha nauty..

Anonymous said...

dh berhijrah ke blog plak yer...
skrg ramai dh tinggalkan FP...
kita dok pikir2 lagik nak bukak blog ke tak nih...hehehe

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Diana Sulaiman said...

farah - ooo... itu tag yg mula2.. time tu tgh rajin.. yg kedua tu dah tahap ngantok gilos.. jawap jgn tak jawap.. hehehe

Diana Sulaiman said...

idida - meh la join blog plak.. hehehe